
Wednesday 31 December 2014

2015 is just around the corner. CRIKEY

And with it comes challenges,

Forget resolutions, many of us we may like, dislike or hate them.  This time I'm saying sod them and setting a challenge or three!
This year will be my chance to do things different, and with so my little piece of the internet may get busier, that said it may not. It's down to how I manage my time next year, but we'll see how it goes.
Challenge one: A precursor to Balls Of Steel, more like an evolution with more collaborative genius and less cockups! Best of all it'll be localised and can be used in more than one area so said charities can benefit more, I'll not tell you the details yet as planning stages are in places now but it's coming soon.
This does not mean Balls Of Steel is over however. For now I'm planning at least one more Box Hill to Dunstable ride, going back to it's roots and with that I'll be speaking to the people who helped it go from silly idea to seriously huge ride for a fat guy on a grumpy, knocked about bike. If I can't get the old school support on it we'll look into something else, but I want to make it spectacular! May even do it on the single-speed Naughtybike as she's nearly ready, or GrampsBike If I'm mad enough!
Challenge two, 
Get Bikefit running by the summer! Again I can't talk much about this as it's in currently in the submission stage once the tidyup of the documents are printed out, 
Challenge three:
Smile more, with an emphasis on more time with the family. It's something I need to do or it'll fizzle me out! 
How about you?

Let me know in the comments below. 
Happy new year all! 

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