
Wednesday 2 February 2011

If you had £1000. Bikes, paint and more

I have pinched this idea from Curly and Candid tonight and thought I should share it with you before I tell you what's next tomorrow.

Instead of rewrite the same thing here are the rules in C&C's words.

No- it’s a “What if” post. Being of a somewhat nosy nature, I’m curious what you would spend £1000 on if it dropped into your lap today.

The rules of this virtual windfall are as follows:

  • No spending on the kids (because lets face it – that’s where it usually goes!)
  • No paying bills (as above!)
  • You have two virtual weeks to spend it or lose it so no saving for a rainy day!
Now for me this is easy. The kids have lots and do not need a thing, but there is a thing or two think would make things a little better.

  • Straight off I would spend £500 on a new bike, more specifically the Ghost SE1800 Hardtail bike in orange. It's a beast of a bike and looks like it's worth a lot more. The GT would be reserved as an abuse bike. Oh yeah!

  • Now another straight off purchase would be another netbook. More specifically an Asus EEEPC 701sd. they are now old hat compared to the standard specs now, but they are cute, and very good with battery. The best thing is I can get one for £100 with warranty if i look hard enough. That way me and my partner don't share mine.

  • Then things go more sensible. Spending £200 on painting and decorating the flat up a bit, so it looks nice again. Although it would not last long with the damp. But every room from the living room to the kids rooms would be tarted up!

  • And again (with the damp) i would replace the bed. Ours is shot, rubbish and generally dead. for about £200 We could probably make a killing at the local preen community furniture bank. Or even Ikea would be an idea, I would lose my Ikea cherry too!
Now this is the list i commented on C&C's page and i stick to it.

Now it's your turn. Here's your imaginary grand. Spend at will.


  1. Great post!
    I can't believe you are still to lose your Ikea cherry though, you don't know what you're missing! :)

  2. Great post!
    I can't believe you are still to lose your Ikea cherry though, you don't know what you're missing! :)
