Over the next few months I have a project of sourcing a new LCD for the Alcatel OT Star and similarly for a digitiser for the Sony Xperia Miro, So for now here's an update of how things are going with the search.
It's the cheapest I've found so far but SinoPhoneParts have similar for $80+ It may have better warranties I'm not sure but I'll be willing to try the cheaper option first, especially as the phone is not sold in the UK and I'd rather use it or be able to sell it on in the future.
Now for the Miro, or the ST23i. The phone is in pieces ready for it's new panel to be installed but I forgot to do it. It'll probably be the first one to be repaired as it's the cheapest to do. Also the phone is stable unlike the Star that throws a wobbler at simple frame flex. Additionally Even if I don't use the phone as a daily driver again it'll still have uses as a dedicated music device, mini tablet.
Once Miranda's fixed I want to go back to using it as a daily driver. Especially as the Vodafone/Alcatel (Vodatel) Smart mini is annoying me due to copious amounts of Alcatel glitches in the code, the sort that "forgets" it's audio settings and also beeps for no reasons when it's not even got a beep.
Annoyingly since writing this up the Nokia 3510i's LCD has began to fail, my t6 is nowhere to be seen and the screens are becoming the arduino hacktoy of the century, fortunately that's driven the price down to a stupid level and that includes a new keymat, so two problems fixed in one solution. Just need to get some cash for toy fixes now. :D
On a small set of side notes, not worthy of a blogpost.
I want to get hold of an old unloved Nokia N8 for photography and video for times where a full size camera is not recommended, as silly as it sounds the phone is still very capable these days using custom firmwares.
Also EEEPC Users, Expecially the 701SD. Has your keyboard failed and you've replaced it? If so where did you get your keyboard. Was it online or did you have it repaired in a shop? I'll be swapping my keyboard soon and want to know where's best to get one before I buy a polished turd!
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