
Tuesday, 19 April 2011

The Great V Story Time

Welcome to the fourth week of V's Story time
I am posting these here as a memento when she is older, and for other parents to get their children around the world.
There are rules though.
  • the content is not important. It could be a drawing, poetry, a story, or even a dream or song. provided it's their own creative mind's work. (videos are ok too)
  • The ages are 3-15 to give many young people a chance to join in

  • No pilfered material.

  • If posting on Twitter Please use the hashtag #StoryWithV when sharing content.
  • Please use the tools below to share the link with everyone here.
  • (linky badge no longer works) 

    Today we have 3 short stores V had to share

    it's a funny face flowers story about a sick monster.
    the monster went BLARGH when a spider pinched him on the toe,

    The naughty spider then pinched him on the leg.

    Spider felt bad for hurting the monster and gave him a huge kiss and cuddle.
    He sees a circle and Sterwin (V's imaginary friend and CCTV Camera) they are machine who look at people all day. Yes, he's a little machine.

    Story 2 The egg funny face.
    once upon a time there was a seaside, and it was dinnertime then bed.
    He loves cereal and milk. he drinks and eats it up.
    The end

    Once upon a time there was a rectangle funny face circle
    The end.

    Monster Says bye!!!

    Oh DADDY. socks are on.

    That was the stories of V. Now it's your turn to share.


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