
Wednesday 3 November 2010

Not everyone on benefits is a scrounging scumbag

I feel I have to write this. Due to the amount of people who see people on benefits as nothing but scrounging little scrotes I have to put the record straight for those people who are in this situation and hate being stuck here.

I am currently off work right now due to back problems, which have not improved over the last year, while I want to be back at work, I hate being off work

I'm not providing for my children properly. In fact in my eyes i'm not providing at all. The government is helping out until i can go back to a new job.

Now while i love the fact we live in a country with a benefits system, I utterly hate the way the system is abused by those who play the system for the mug it can be.

I understand. Of course, not everyone is there to play the system, but sadly those in genuine need seem to be the ones who get the staff who don't care, mistakes on payments. And generally made to feel like crap by society for being placed into a position they would rather not be.

Sorry for my ramble. but remember to every person dependant on screwing the benefits system over there is a family severely struggling to keep the straw above the water long enough to breathe, dependant on that little payment every fortnight.

To some people it's a way of life

To some it's the last chance saloon, where medical issues cannot be fixed easily

And to the honest people in the world it's Judgement without proof!

Normality tomorrow


  1. Fantastic post. The system is supposed to be there for people who need it ie people in financial need for genuine reasons ie being out of work, illness, injury etc and its sickening to constantly hear of people in these situations missing out and what not when there is money in the pot who do fiddle the system.
    I'll stop now though because I'll not stop otherwise.

    Sorry to hear about your back pain. I have suffered in the past with back problems and know it's no joke and can be very disheartening and frustrating, hope something helps with that soonish!

  2. A point well made - I hope there's light at the end of the tunnel for you.

  3. Fantastic post. The system is supposed to be there for people who need it ie people in financial need for genuine reasons ie being out of work, illness, injury etc and its sickening to constantly hear of people in these situations missing out and what not when there is money in the pot who do fiddle the system.
    I'll stop now though because I'll not stop otherwise.

    Sorry to hear about your back pain. I have suffered in the past with back problems and know it's no joke and can be very disheartening and frustrating, hope something helps with that soonish!
