
Sunday 20 April 2014

Finding the job for you #Spon

Hi all.

Today I'm talking about work and finding the right job, despite being far from an expert I'll share my expertise with you, even if you fall about laughing!

The perils of finding the perfect job can be a long, winding road with a plethora of stresses, heartache tied in with the euphoria from landing the perfect job you always knew was out there. I know there will be many people who read this and they're happier than ever in the job they currently have, even though they schmooze over the job boards every week just on the small chance they'll find something that will top what they're currently doing, sadly in many cases it means you could be overlooking something even more amazing that you would not even think about.

On top of this many people are confused by the ever changing world we live in and they feel a new or refreshed career is out completely of reach and I'll admit I don't have a clue what future employers would want from a nerd like me, so to help you lovely people out I asked three fantastic bloggers for some tips and these are what they sent over to us

Carolin from Mummy Alarm Let all your friends know that you're looking for a job. They can keep their eyes and ears open for you and maybe even recommend you for a job. Sometimes who you know is more important than what you know.

Ali Clifford gave the following small tips for those looking to come back into employment
The job centre are really helpful for certain roles, but could be the catalyst for other agencies.
Make sure you Google yourself. Make sure all of your Facebook/Twitter profiles have no stupid photos or any profanities as many employers do social media searches on potential new hires. This could make all the difference even if they like you one dodgy comment could blow it. 
It could be worthwhile to join local Facebook job groups, as they may have localised jobs that aren't always advertised in mainstream media. 

Helen from Kiddy Charts passed the following pearls of advice.
For the more social people out there Linkedin is a very important tool for potential future employment. Yes it's an effort to keep it up to date to ensure you look professional at all times. (H1UK Edit - From family experience it can be the opening to some amazing job prospects.)
Write up your C.V. - and tweak for each job you apply for don't send the same one out each time, so think about what you learnt in each job and how that applies to the one you are applying for. 
Also get someone else to look over your C.V. In many cases a fresh set of eyes may spot something you may have missed. (H1UK Edit - Trust me it can cause some huge headaches.) 
Keep the C.V. to a maximum of two pages - try to do a skills based C.V. rather than a list of qualifications if possible. 

With these top tips you'll hopefully have the grunt to land that ideal job in no time at all. Additonally if you'd like to share your top tips feel free to comment below and we'll add them here too. 
Also, are you in your dream job already? If so let us know how you got to that happy place. 


Disclaimer - This post was created in association with City Calling 

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